1. Toy Story 3

Ten years after the release of Toy Story 2, the third installment was released and it was an instant hit. Children had waited years for more adventures with Buzz and Woody. It was one of the most popular movies of the year. Children who saw the first two movies had grown-up into young adults by the time of its release. Now, another ten years later, Disney and Pixar have released Toy Story 4 as the finale to this wonderful movie series.
2. Angry Birds
One of the most popular phone games of 2010 was Angry Birds. It was a simple phone game that became addicting. As smartphones became more popular, the game was available to more people, which helped its popularity. The game became so popular that it grew into a franchise. From toys to two widely successful movies, people cannot get enough of those Angry Birds.
3. Poking Friends On Facebook
Remember when you would have poking wars with your friends on Facebook? Or when you would get excited that your crush poked you? It was such a pointless feature, but provided days of fun. You could poke your friends as many times in a row as you wanted until they noticed. Today the feature still exists, but it is much harder to find the "poke" button.
4. The iPod Nano
Remember listening to your favorite songs on your iPod Nano? You probably felt so cool with one of the brightly colored rectangles. Also, unless you had a stash of iTunes gift cards, you were probably downloading songs off of LimeWire or Kazaa. Those were the days!
5. Over Auto-Tuned Songs
Long before 2010, songs were being auto-tuned, but during that year, this technique was trendy. Think of songs such as "Like a G6" or "How Low." Pretty much any song by Ke$ha during 2010 was heavily auto-tuned, and you would go crazy for those jams.
6. The Sims
Remember when you would come home from school and go right to the computer to play The Sims? You knew all the cheat codes to get endless amounts of money so you could build the best mansion. You would have fun finding different ways to kill your character because there was really no point to the game besides messing around and wasting time.
7. Crocs
Who could forget the most horrible shoes to be introduced to the market? These strange shoes became a huge fashion craze. You could add little charms and characters to customize them. For some reason, these have been coming back into fashion recently, and we don't know why. Let's leave Crocs in the past, please.
8. Renting DVDs From Blockbuster
Before streaming services like Netflix became popular, people rented their movies from Blockbuster. It was a treat to go and stock up on movies for the weekend. Although Netflix is much more convenient, Blockbuster brings back a sense of nostalgia. We miss Blockbuster.
9. Silly Bandz
Silly Bandz were the silicon bracelets that came in different shapes and colors. People would have stacks of them covering their arms. Kids would trade them, and you weren't cool unless you had the glitter ones. There were so many to collect! Do you remember trying to bargain with people so you could get a rare one?
10. Accessorising Your Flip Phone
It is fun to look back and remember the accessories that we would add to our flip phones. Before you were lucky enough to upgrade to a smartphone, you had to make the most of your old phone. The best part of having the flip-phone was that you could dramatically close it when you were done talking to someone.